Privacy & Cookie


Privacy Policy

Protection of Personal Data updated to the new EU Regulation 2016/679
This information applies to the “visitor” use of the services we provide. The data collected and stored within the site will in no case be transferred to third parties but only used for the sole purpose of being able to use the services made available to the professional.
The person responsible for the processing of your personal data, as the owner of is H&S di OMRANI EMAN | Via Alfonsine, 3 20097 San Donato Milanese (MI) – +39 328 9370208 | VAT number 10214560962 –
CHANGES TO THE PRIVACY POLICY can modify this Privacy Policy. If substantial changes are made, we will inform you by email, or other means, to give you the opportunity to review the changes before they become effective. If you do not agree with the changes made, you can request the cancellation of all your data from the site by sending us an email to the address with the cancellation request. In case of acceptance, the use and sharing of your personal data will be subject to the updated Privacy Policy.
The data that is collected is the information that the professional / private person provides us through the use of the forms on the platform (the required fields in brackets):
1. Contact Form (name and surname, profession, city, email)
2. Quote request form (name and surname, address, email)
All data that is collected through our site are subject to explicit consent and in no case are transferred to third parties.
As described in more detail in the part concerning the “Cookie Policy” we do not use own Profiling Cookies but Third Party Cookies linked to the presence of “Social Plugins” (Facebook, Google Plus) and to the measurement of traffic through the Google service ( Google Analytics). Each user can control cookies through your browser settings and other tools. The list of suppliers authorized to place cookies on the site with the related privacy policies is shown at the bottom of the page.
Our site also does not use Geolocation services, does not store IP addresses or information on the operating system and on the web browser, but sends Google Analytics the statistics service for evaluating traffic on the site.
Your data are used exclusively by professionals to be able to access our services and by private individuals to request quotes and in order to reply to the information requested through the contact form and in no case transferred to third parties.
We will communicate with you by email or mobile phone (if authorized). In no case will we send promotional messages from third parties, since no data regarding your personal identity will be shared by our platform. Our site may instead send service messages (for example, modification of the “Privacy Policy”), including notices related to a modification of the site’s Terms and Conditions of Use. We may also send you communications to investigate, respond and resolve complaints and problems related to the Services (e.g. bugs, requests for clarifications or more information).
No advertisements (banners or text links) of any third party advertiser or belonging to advertising networks (for example Google AdSense) are published on the site.
H&S di OMRANI EMAN does not share information related to its members. However, each of them, by their own will, will be able to share the pages of the site they deem interesting.
Archiving of Email Communications
archives the communications sent via the form for a period not exceeding 30 days. Each user (registered or non-registered) has the right to request, at any time, the partial or total cancellation of these communications.
Data retention
We will keep the personal data of registered users as long as the registration remains active, both by natural expiration and by user request, in compliance with the Privacy law (EU Regulation 2016/679).
Rights of access and control of your personal data
The interested party has the right to be able to :
• Delete data: you can ask us to delete or delete all or part of your personal data by sending us an email to .
• Modify or correct data: you can ask us for changes, updates and corrections of data in certain areas, especially if incorrect.
• Do not approve, limit or limit the use of data: you can ask us to stop using all or part of your personal data or to limit the use we make of it.
Right to access and / or take possession of your data: you can ask for a copy of your personal data and a copy of the personal data you have provided us in digital format.
If you decide to unsubscribe from the site, you can do so through a simple email request ( Your personal data will be deleted within 24 hours.
We retain your personal data even after closing your account only in the event of fulfilling our legal obligations (including law enforcement requests), meeting regulatory requirements, resolving disputes, maintaining security, preventing fraud and abuse.
The Privacy Guarantor and the European Union, given the particular invasiveness that profiling cookies can have within the private sphere of users, have provided that the user must be adequately informed on the use of the same and express their valid consent to the insertion of cookies on your terminal.
related to the presence of “Social Plugin” (Facebook, Google Plus, Twittter) and to the measurement of traffic through the Google service (Google Analytics). Profiling cookies are the cookies used to track the user’s browsing on the net and create profiles on his tastes, habits, choices, etc. With these cookies, advertising messages can be transmitted to the user’s terminal in line with the preferences already expressed by the same user in online browsing.
Cookies are short fragments of text (letters and / or numbers) that allow the web server to store information on the client (the browser) to be reused during the same visit to the site (session cookies) or later, even at a distance of days (persistent cookies). Cookies are stored, based on user preferences, by the single browser on the specific device used (computer, tablet, smartphone).
Cookies and related functions
Depending on the individual objectives, different cookies are used.
Below is a list of the most common types of cookies and the purposes for which they are used.
Session cookies
Session cookies are temporarily stored in the computer’s memory when browsing a site, for example, to keep track of the chosen language. Session cookies remain stored on the computer for a short period of time. They are in fact deleted as soon as the user closes the web browser.
Permanent or tracer cookies
Persistent cookies save a file on your computer for a long period of time. This type of cookie has an expiration date. Permanent cookies allow websites to remember information and settings on subsequent visits by users, thus making exploration more practical and faster, since, for example, it is no longer necessary to log in. For example, persistent cookies allow us to record your data on your browser to avoid having to fill in an information and booking request form continuously when you want to make a request to stay at multiple structures. Or, in the case of B&B customers on the site, remember the access credentials to the private area.
On the expiration date, the cookie is automatically deleted when you first log in to the website that created it.
First-party cookies
These cookies are set by the websites themselves (with the same domain as the one indicated in the browser’s address bar) and can only be read by these sites. They are commonly used to store information such as preferences, to be used on subsequent visits to the site.
Third party cookies
These cookies are set by domains other than that indicated in the browser’s address bar, i.e. by organizations that do not correspond to the owners of the websites.
The cookies used, for example, to collect information for advertising and content customization purposes, as well as to process Web statistics, can be “third-party cookies”.
Third-party cookies allow for more complete surveys of users’ browsing habits and are believed to be more sensitive from an integrity point of view. For this reason, most web browsers allow you to change the settings so that these cookies are not accepted.
The user can decide whether or not to accept cookies also using the settings of his browser.
Disabling “third party”
cookies affects the navigability of the site as, for example, prevents the display of google maps and youtube videos.
The setting can be defined specifically for the different websites and web applications. Furthermore, the main browsers allow you to define different settings for “proprietary” and “third party” cookies.
Internet Explorer:
Below is a list of suppliers authorized to place cookies on my site with the related privacy policies:

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This site does not use profiling cookies but only third party cookies. To continue browsing the site you must consent to our use of cookies